Monday, May 9, 2016

Zoned-0ut Zombies or Digital Disciple-Making

I sit here at my kitchen table with an open laptop and a smart phone. I have done much work already this morning. I find these tools helpful for productivity and connectivity. Also sitting at this table is my 18 year old son and a 20 year old semester missionary who both have the same posture, an open laptop and smart phones. We are connected in many ways: social media, internet browsing, online education, phone calls, text messages and the occasional funny video or picture. Totally engaged and totally "CONNECTED". I wonder about this sometimes... we seem so "connected" yet DISCONNECTED.  Disconnected from each other and others in a personal way. True "face time" seems to get lost in the midst of digital face time.  Look around you... at restaurants, standing in line somewhere, even at movie theaters people seem to have glowing faces from the gadgets they hold in their hands all the while waiting to watch a bigger screen. We seem to be a society that does not know what to do with ourselves if we do not have the "comfort" of being conveniently distracted. Watch out! You may actually have to make conversation with someone if your eye contact lasts longer than 2 seconds. If you have ever observed a group of teenagers, you will see my point. They text each other in the same room. Some of the parents are just as bad.  I have found myself having to be more intentional in protecting meal time at the table and lingering after the meal to have real connections and conversations with my family. I am thankful that these times are still filled with laughter and great conversations. I find myself wanting this life-giving time more and more. It is like we have a deficiency and our bodies crave this personal connection. But we protect ourselves and only seem to let our guard down when we have a "safe zone" provided. Recently, Chic-fil-A has awarded customers with a tasty ice cream if they put their phones in a basket and not answer it while they eat their meal. They seem to be trying to help bring people back together for real time interaction.  I certainly hope that our society is not becoming a bunch of "Zoned-Out Zombies" who are socially awkward and disconnected. 

On another note, I am encouraged to know the great resources this digital world has provided for the advancement of the Gospel and the connection with our faith families all over the world. I have posted pictures on Facebook and within minutes I had hundreds of "likes"from all over the world! We are able to share in the life experiences of many missionaries and ministers in many different places.  This connectivity is amazing and encouraging.  A prayer network is created in an instant through social media. Our prayer need for my youngest daughter who had some health struggles right after birth went over 10,000 likes and hundreds of shares.  People that we did not even know spoke kind words and prayers for us and our precious Lydia Joy during a very uncertain time.  Wow! What a resource!  I am encouraged daily by other friends who post great articles, devotionals, and pictures. I discover links to incredible Bible tools and helps through social connections of the digital kind. I have become a better pastor and missionary as a result of having these disciple-making tools at my fingers. They are always available, portable, and most are free!  What a day to learn and teach others! Online Bible college and seminary, Bible apps, Bible software with thousands of books at a click, and friends on social media who love and follow Jesus. I have access to over 10,000 video bible studies in an online library formatted for disciple-making. ( We have no excuse for not growing in the wisdom of the Word and making more disciples who will make more disciples. This is the mission of the church. Digital disciple-making is here so let's use it to the glory of God!

But the one who did not know, and did what deserved a beating, will receive a light beating. Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more. (Luke 12:48 ESV)

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31 ESV)